b2b безшевно производство на дрехи от ksport

Seamless Production of Sports Thermal Clothing

Meet Our B2B Services

We offer a fully completed process for the production of sports clothing and underwear – from the initial design of the product, the receipt of raw materials and quality control, to the final delivery for wholesalers and brands.

Thanks to our experience in the field of seamless clothing and technical know-how, we are able to provide high quality, reasonable prices and professional service. We approach every project and every client with commitment. We are always looking for the latest materials, the latest trends and the latest technologies. We lead the industry for seamless sportswear in Bulgaria.

The materials used in our products are of the highest quality. We guarantee that our products meet all requirements. Our designers constantly collect and analyze the latest trends and selectively adapt them to the needs of our customers in relation to each of our range of designs and products. Once customers are satisfied with the design, we start making samples.

With the high-end machines we use, the quality becomes very consistent, and the requirements from the users of seamless sportswear are higher and growing due to the many advantages.

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Development and innovation in seamless production

  • Colored patterns, a variety of different nets;
  • High-tech fibers and yarns such as: recycled fibers, bamboo, polyester, polypropylene, polyamide, etc .;
  • Multifunctionality;

Our partners

Take a look at our thermal clothing gallery to get an idea of what we can do